Sunday, May 23, 2010


Sometimes I wonder how big your heart could be,
for you to store so much love than we actually see...
A keeper but mostly a giver
someday I wish to be just like her
Though dreams on hold, traveling and searching ended,
like a warrior surrenders, heart is tested
still, faced and came to the battleground to be a hero,
a juggler balancing, struggling not to have a zero.

you broke your own wings, sometimes you almost die,
just so we could have ours... to fly and soar high.
The only person I know who could turn life's disaster into a beautiful memory
In you, we will always be winners & you'll forever be our trophy.
you're more than a mother that we wished for
you're our best friend forever that's for sure
I hate the fact that you have to feel twice or even thrice of our pain
but we both know we have to go through this to learn and gain.
We thank you for letting us go and be happy
to be hurt but never be lonely.

Tons of sacrifices are made
someday we wish to repay...
we may eventually find a new love someday,
but momma, remember this... you will forever be our first and last love every single day...

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